evOLve Presents Dr. Pauline Viviano

9:30 -11:15 am, McDonnell Hall

Jesus, The Compassionate Savior, in the Gospel of Luke

The gospels tell of the significance of Jesus of Nazareth, but each evangelist gives emphasis to different as- pects of Jesus’ life and death. In the gospel of Luke, joy surrounds the birth of a Savior and that joy continues through the gospel as Jesus brings healing and forgiveness to those in need. It is a gospel that gives em- phasis to the universality of salvation, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of prayer as well as other topics. In this lecture we will explore Luke’s unique contribution to our understanding of Jesus of Nazareth by focusing on the additions to be made to the gospel narrative.

Dr. Pauline Viviano is a retired Associate Professor of Theology. She received her doctorate in Biblical Languages and Literature from St. Louis University. Her publications include many study guides for the Books of the Bible.

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