RCIA Session Begins September 13

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of welcoming others into our Catholic family. RCIA is a journey of faith through which persons join, or complete their initiation into, the Catholic Church. RCIA is a program intended for anyone:

  • Want to learn more about the Catholic Church.
  • Are not baptized and want to become Christians through the Sacraments of Initiation.
  • Are baptized Christians in another tradition or Catholic and want to explore full membership in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.
  • Attend our Church because of a spouse, children or special person but not sure the Church is for them.
  • Wish to ask, learn and understand the commitment of loved ones to the Catholic faith.

RCIA is not a class or a program. It is a process of conversion. As such there is no specific time frame. Sessions meet weekly.

Could you be the one who helps someone along their journey of faith? Perhaps you know someone who has expressed an interest in learning more about our church but needs a helping hand or a word of 
encouragement. Please share this information with them. 

Consider too whether you feel called to join RCIA as a sponsor of a candidate or just as a representative of our Parish who walks with candidates on their spiritual journey. Give it some prayerful thought.

For more information, look for brochures in the church vestibules, visit the parish office or contact Fr. Isaac Lara.

Primary contact person
Fr. Isaac Lara