RCIA Class of 2018

The OLPH community gathered to celebrate the Easter Vigil after nightfall on Holy Saturday, March 31. It was a time of prayer and celebration, a time of welcome to those who were baptized: John Sutehall and Marc Imbayan. It was a time to celebrate for those who were received into full communion with the Church and received the sacrament of confirmation: Kristen Morris, Fred Carter, Therese Pompei Cabrera, Bria Lozada and George Wolf. It was a time of jubilation for the newly baptized and confirmed who received the sacraments of initiation. We are overjoyed for these new members of our parish community; keep them in your prayers as they continue their faith journeys. I would like to thank the RCIA team that worked tirelessly on the formation and spiritual guidance of the catechumens and candidates.

Sacramental initiation does not end with the celebration of the sacraments of initiation. It continues with the period of postbaptismal catechesis or mystagogy (that is, reflection on the mysteries). This formal period of reflection and prayer continues until the Pentecost festival at the end of the Easter season. 

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