Mission Work of the Diocese of Butare in Rwanda

Rwanda is a small country situated in the heart of Africa that in 1994 experienced a horrific genocide that was politically motivated during which one mil- lion people were murdered in approximately 100 days. The genocide left behind many broken-hearted like orphans, widows, traumatized..., and many de- stroyed infrastructures like schools, medical centers, even churches. The good news is that now there is peace in the country. The challenge is to rebuild the Church and the nation and to help people to recover from genocide.

Pastorally, in the years since the genocide, the Diocese of Butare has focused its mission on the Catholic education for the youth who are the future of Rwanda, impressing upon them the themes of un- conditional love, peace and reconciliation so that the country may heal and experience a brighter tomor- row. Catholic education plays a great role not only in teaching the youth sciences but also in teaching them Catholic faith which helps to form their moral conscience based on Christian values. This effort has made a great difference and has contributed tremen- dously to the building of a new Church and the nation we see today. Rwanda has resurrected from ashes to new life. The Church in Rwanda is flourishing; 60% of the country’s population is Catholic. Vocations to priestly and religious life are booming. There is a brighter future for the Church in Rwanda.

We want to carry on this mission, but we have limited resources. Through the financial support from you, our partner in Christ’s mission, we can build more classrooms and train our seminarians and carry on the mission of making the love of Christ known. Thank you for your generous sacrifice for our mission. We thank your Pastor and your Bishop for inviting me to share our mission.

May God bless you abundantly,

Rev. Honoratus Mwageni
Missionary from the Diocese of Butare in Rwanda, Africa

Reverand Honoratus Mwageni will speak at Masses the weekend of August 11/12 and a second collection will be taken up to support his mission work.