SPRED Family Mass

9:00am Sunday, October 30 
OLPH SPRED Family Mass October 30th 

Please bring your family and friends for what is always a joyous celebration; our SPRED (SPecial REligious Development) Family Mass Sunday October 30th at 9:00 am. 

SPRED is based on small faith communities with our partners/Friends who are eager for relationships with others and with God. SPRED uniquely offers the promise of inclusion in parish sacramental life. It is for that reason, we are thrilled to come together and celebrate Mass and the Eucharist.

If you know adults interested in becoming volunteer catechists in surrounding parishes, or know of someone who would benefit from SPRED, please contact Sloan Donnellan Salah (sloansalah@gmail.com) or Bob Cowell (cowbeggs@aol.com).

Event date